Let us find the perfect Atlanta Apartment for you!
We connect people with apartments for free!
It’s our goal to find your perfect place to live,
for the absolute best price!
How it Works
What does your perfect Atlanta Apartment look like? Fill out our short quiz and tell us who you are and what matters most: High rise? commute time? pet-friendly?
Relax while we curate a hyper-personalized list of apartments that check all the boxes. Once we are done, you can review your list and choose your favorite buildings to tour.
After finding your perfect apartment, we will confirm rent and monitor the application process. Once the lease is signed, move-in and enjoy your perfect apartment!
Just that simple!
Let's find your dream apartment in Atlanta!
Our process ensures that you get exactly what you’re looking for, 100% stress-free!
Real Deals
Exclusive access to great Atlanta Apartments
Our team ask the right questions to achieve a deep understanding of what makes your apartment, Perfect! We know just about every apartment building in town and will curate a list of units that fit your preferences perfectly.
We give our clients exclusive access to the deals we find with properties! These deals are very limited and only available through Apartments of Atlanta!
We help set up thorough and efficient apartment tours to ease the search process so you are confident in your decision. Our team can coordinate a full day of tours featuring your top choices!
What our clients say
What are you waiting for? let’s find your perfect Atlanta Apartment!